Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lifestyle Changing

I have been on the South Beach Diet for about two weeks now. If any of you (all one of you), know anything about this diet it's that for the first two weeks you can have no carbs or sugar at all. Nothing. Zero. Not one little, tiny chocolate morsel that may have fallen off of a cookie in a Chips Ahoy package. Zilch. If any of you know me, I love chocolate. See the dilemma?
I have done this diet before and it worked. I had lost about 15 pounds before I gave in and regained my plump figure. This time, I am determined to stick with it.

The idea is behind the no sugar, no carbs cold-turkey torture is to reteach your body what its like to be satisfied with what you ate. Carbs are filler. They fill you up for the time being but shortly later you are hungry again. Also, carbs turn into sugar. If you don't burn the sugar off, the sugar and calories gets stored as fat. (This may not be entirely accurate but it works for me so all of you peeps that got A's in biology shut up). The book says after a few days you dont crave carbs anymore. I would have to agree. I dont crave that piece of garlic bread...but I wouldn't mind a piece! Once the two-week hell week is over, I can "reintroduce" carbs into my diet. However, because I have been following the SB Diet bible, I now know what kinds of carbs to eat to limit the amount of sugar in my body. I will wheat bread instead of white. I should have whole wheat pasta instead of the regular stuff. Don't eat those potatoes Mo, have wild rice instead. (Did you know wild rice isnt rice at all?) Shit like that.

This Saturday is the end of the hell week. I am a bit nervous about being able to eat sugar again. What should I eat as a treat? Can I make this lifestyle change stick?
Only time will tell. I will keep you posted.


Bridget said...

You're doing great!

jnnut said...

treat yourself to chocolate. Great job!

CKD said...

You're an inspiration! I have definitely fallen off the wagon since being allowed to reintroduce carbs and need to get back on track.