Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I am never going to Retire

I have already accepted the fact that there will be no social security for me when I become of age. I have participated in my company's 401k program since day 1 and though I do not have a lot in there, I feel a little better knowing that something is being saved and working for me. I figure by the time I do retire, my little nest egg will be adequate and coupled with property I hoped to own by the time I retire, I'd be ok.
Hold that thought.
The housing market is crashing (not really but it's the hot topic right now). Those that do own are "losing" money. (Personally, I do not see how you can "lose" money by owning property unless you plan on selling NOW and your house is not worth as much as it was when you bought. Of course, given how things were a few years back, I am willing to bet that if you bought a house in the last 5 years, you paid too much). Those that dont own, cant get a loan without 20% AND perfect credit (slight exaggeration...if you do not have perfect credit, you can get a loan with a higher interest rate - still need 20% though).
The stock market is crashing...and with it, my 401k! Most funds invest in stocks. Stocks are worth less so, 401k's are worth less....for now. I know I am 30 years from retiring but I cant help but feel like I should pull my money out, stop putting it in or something. I do not know if I will do that but it is on my mind. So, to recap...I do not expect SS; I dont own a house (yet), and my 401k is getting a worse beating than a Sponge Bob pinata. Lotto here I come.

1 comment:

jnnut said...

leave your money in there...there's always a down time to the mkt...if it's low now it only means it'll come back up later. Long term is your best benefit so dont take it out. I honestly do not think the economy is as bad as it seems. I don't see people cutting back like we're in the depression. I can say that most of us in the middle class are striving and doing ok. We're able to enjoy life, buy things, drive our cars, shop..etc. Worry when you can't do anything...